And I don't mean he just mumbles words, he has full somewhat coherent conversations while asleep. Last night we had another one. It went a little something like this:
"Don't take the apples from the man at the market"
"Oh? Why not?"
"They're bad"
"They're made of money"
"Why wouldn't I want them then?"
"It's bad money. It's not real"
"How do I get out of here?"
"Use the door"
"No door"
"The window"
"Nu-uh... Have to use a portal"
Kiwi had started playing Portal that day, after he saw me beat GLaDOS and some of the challenges. A game where you can shoot portals on walls and walk through them to another part of the room you desire in order to solve puzzles.
"Oh, I see. Which colour do you shoot first?"
"First orange then blue"
"What's your favourite?"
"You're my favourite"
"What's your favourite level?"
"My favourite basketball player? I don't have any"
After that I gave up and rolled over, at which he mumbled.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm just rolling over"
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm just rolling over"
"I love you"
"I love you too."
I am sad I haven't documented the many other conversations we've had. Kiwi has no recollection of his words, so I have to relay the sometimes hilarious dialogue back to him in the morning. A few gems I do remember are:
"There's no Auntie Em's at the restaurant."
In response to me telling him to go to bed, as he was sleeping on the couch:
"I am in bed"
"No, you're on the couch"
"Noooo. Bed."
In response to me telling him not to roll off the bed:
"I'm Barrel-Roll Carter."
At least it makes for good night time entertainment.
Sheets From Sin In Linen
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