Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Barrel-Roll Carter Strikes Again

"What about him?"
"He has a sexy secret"
"What? What is it?"
"He hid it"
"He hid it in a box with a star on it. He hit it with his head and it came out and the guy got it."
"You know it's his fist, right? He punches them, he doesn't hit the blocks with his head"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, it's his fist"
"Cause I always wondered why he never got a concussion..."

"Where are you..?"
"I'm right here"
"Where are you on the case?"

Here we go with the videogames again. Kiwi has recently been playing LA Noire, a game where you play a 1940's detective going around the city solving cases.

"I'm not playing"
"I'm not playing!"
"But it's your case... You should know these things"


Monday, May 30, 2011

Deer Lake Park

Kiwi and I, like the rest of the city of Vancouver, went out on Saturday because it was actually sunny and warm!

After lunch, a quick trip to the comic store and the bank, Kiwi and I drove out to Deer Lake. After yoga on Tuesdays, I usually walk around the lake with my friend Kate. It's about a 5K walk, but Kiwi and I weren't interested in going too far. It was nice to spend an hour or so in the warmth of the sun and to be able to take pictures. I even got a few mementos from the visit.

Here are some photos we took.



Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Home Confirmation!

We got accepted into our new house and will be moving come July 1st! I can't wait to decorate :)


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

My friend Kate and I got together yesterday to donate blood. The last time we donated blood together (it was my first time) we had gone thrifting and ate McDonalds before going to give blood. Whatever lucky soul gets our blood will be on a serious sugar high for a while after the transfusion. We decided we would make it a little tradition to have a big pig-out at McD's, donate blood and go thrifting. Well I guess we ate a little too close to the donation, because Kate didn't feel very well after. After eating a lot of cookies, we hit up our local Value Village.

Here are some of the treasures we found.

A blue and pink metal tin, which I hope to fill with wax and make into a candle. I am searching for interesting tins so I can do them all at once. I now have two.
A little glass apothecary jar. I really loved it for the lid which I think is cute. I don't know what I'll put it in yet, but it might belong in my bathroom.

An odd but funny, shiny quail picture. It's not very big, but I enjoyed the 70's style and think it will fit into our new home which is all wood paneling. (If she confirms, anyway) 


I knew as soon as I saw this one that I had to have it. I love the 3-dimensionality of this piece. The back looks as though it might be moldy, but I can replace the image if it looks like it might be dangerous. I was also thinking about scraping off the bristly image and drawing my own, maybe a mucha-style drawing. I'm not sure, I think I like it too much the way it is. 

I also bought a gorgeous, long, black, embroidered Chinese coat. It was quite expensive for a thrift store purchase, but I couldn't pass it by. I have two similar coats but they are neither as long or as ornate. I thought it might do well as a spring/summer coat.

Kate picked up this masterpiece. Kate is beautifully displaying it here, Vana White style. I really enjoy the fat baby penguin. I have a feeling Kate and I's houses are going to look very similar once she moves out. If we keep up these trips it will, anyway.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Friends: Set-Dec Sale

This morning my mom and I visited an industrial area to go to a set-dec sale. Most people I mention this to have no idea what i'm talking about, so I will elaborate. Once a movie/TV production has finished, often times the set decorators, crew and wardrobe will have a sale to earn back a bit of their budget and to get rid of some unwanted props, clothes, or anything used in the movie. 

Most sales, such was the case with this one, the sale will open to the film industry first. After that, they will open the sale to the public to get rid of the rest before the last haul to the Salvation Army.

My mom and I were the first two there, thinking there might be a huge rush of people. However, since the sale was open to the film industry first we were sort of scrounging the bottom of the barrel. Though they did have a warehouse full of things, some items were overpriced or just uninteresting. One shirt I saw was a flouncy green and purple owl shirt. I wanted to have it so bad, but the woman told me it was $30 so I put it back. If it was new in a store, MAYBE. But after someone had worn it at a sale? What-ever. I will supplement my owl disappointment with fettuccine.

My mother has a way about her that as soon as she enters a store or a sale she immediately finds the best deals or items, almost effortlessly. Things I wouldn't normally look at she finds interesting or can pick out of a pile. Here is what my mother bought today:

2 Coats, 1 scarf, 8 velvet hangers (so your clothes don't slip off) = FREE
Hand and nail cream = FREE 
Pair of sneakers for my brother = FREE
6 purses including one from London Fog = $3
Another purse from XoXo = $5
King sized synthetic duvet = $40

And here is what I bought today :)

Golden bedazzled turtle with three opening magnetic shells = $1

Strange, spikey dish = $2

Silk scarf which is now in my hair = FREE

I also got some gold, nautical keychains which were free and some of those $0.50 purses.


Monday, May 16, 2011

The Many Adventures of Barrel-Roll Carter

Kiwi talks in his sleep.

And I don't mean he just mumbles words, he has full somewhat coherent conversations while asleep. Last night we had another one. It went a little something like this:

"Don't take the apples from the man at the market"
"Oh? Why not?"
"They're bad"
"They're made of money"
"Why wouldn't I want them then?"
"It's bad money. It's not real"
"How do I get out of here?"
"Use the door"
"No door"
"The window"
"Nu-uh... Have to use a portal"

Kiwi had started playing Portal that day, after he saw me beat GLaDOS and some of the challenges. A game where you can shoot portals on walls and walk through them to another part of the room you desire in order to solve puzzles.

"Oh, I see. Which colour do you shoot first?"
"First orange then blue"
"What's your favourite?"
"You're my favourite"
"What's your favourite level?"
"My favourite basketball player? I don't have any"

After that I gave up and rolled over, at which he mumbled.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm just rolling over"
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm just rolling over"
"I love you"
"I love you too."

I am sad I haven't documented the many other conversations we've had. Kiwi has no recollection of his words, so I have to relay the sometimes hilarious dialogue back to him in the morning. A few gems I do remember are:

"There's no Auntie Em's at the restaurant."

In response to me telling him to go to bed, as he was sleeping on the couch:

"I am in bed"
"No, you're on the couch"
"Noooo. Bed."

In response to me telling him not to roll off the bed:

"I'm Barrel-Roll Carter."

At least it makes for good night time entertainment.

Sheets From Sin In Linen


Friday, May 13, 2011

New Home Aspirations!

Kiwi and I have been hunting for a new house for a little while. Nothing serious, but I did contact a few craigslist ads and we had gone to see some places. The last two were busts, and I thought that this one might be too but Kiwi convinced me to put pants on and give it a go.

Well I'm glad he did.

We drove just 8 minutes from our house to a quiet little street off a main road near the mall. The street was quiet and lined with massive houses, all different variety. I could tell some of these houses were built quite a while back as each had their own eclectic design (not the usual giant block houses that a lot of the foreign Canadians build). We stopped in front of a house with a masonry front, half white, a unique shape and the matching address. Older, almost reminded me of a grandparent's home. There's a driveway and a garage, which the homeowner told us (among her many different topics of conversation) that we would have a space in with our own remote.

She has two dogs upstairs she says when I ask, I see Kiwi smile broadly from the corner of my eye. The door to the suite is in the garage, which I thought as odd at first but began to like the way it felt safer. She let us in the front door and we were in the laundry room which let into the small bathroom. My heart sank a little as I saw the bathroom did not have a tub, just a shower and was a fairly small size. She told us about the hot water tank and the air closets which were adjacent to the big coat rack next to the laundry room. There was a door across from the entrance which I thought at first might go up to her floor, but as she opened it she exclaimed "this is the suite."

As we walked in and the landlord made her way into the kitchen, Kiwi and I stole a silent "HOLY SH*T" look to each other behind her back. This suite was huge, and JUST our type. The kitchen looked like it belonged in a Switzerland theme park, complete with a little breakfast bar and green bubbled glass cabinets above it. I was in heaven thinking about cooking in it. The little wall seperated the kitchen perfectly. Just what I wanted.

The living room was AMAZING! It has a real fireplace which the landlord told us she would be putting in a gas fireplace during some renos. YES. The fireplace was all stone, with a cute little hearth. There is an area that steps up, which I think will be where I put my desk. It's seperated nicely so it feels as though I might have my own little office. The landlord complained about the wood paneling around the suite and the white stuccoed ceiling. She said she might change it. But I exclaimed to her that I loved it. I hope she keeps it the same! The bedroom is small, I will admit. But there is room to put all my hanging clothes in the big closet and kiwi's dresser underneath (Or my shoes).

I am unsure whether all my bedroom furniture will fit, but as Kiwi and I said to each other giddily driving home, there will always be a solution. No matter what, we will find a way around it.

As long as we're with each other, we can make anything work.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Strawberry's Comics

Kiwi and I are into comicbooks! I haven't actually read that many, but I do enjoy them quite a bit. Kiwi is more the connoisseur of comics, but since he and I have been living together (and his comic pile circumference keeps expanding) I have started becoming interested again.

Kiwi as a writer and me as an artist often see the same comics in different ways. It's fun to go to the comic store and get excited over a great art style and then have Kiwi glance at the cover and tell me if it's written by a good or bad author. Because Kiwi has been reading comics for a long time, his experience with writers is well developed. He knows which writers I would like or dislike, despite the art style inside. I am easily distracted by fabulous illustrations even if the writing is sub-par. Luckily, Kiwi stops me from buying up comics based on pretty covers with a quick background story on the terrible/jerk writer within.

Lately the comics I have been reading are as follows:

izombie (Trade)
Written by: Chris Roberson
Art by: Michael Allred

Now I will admit this comic I actually did buy (Kiwi bought) based purely off the art, but it is FANTASTIC. It's not 100% correct with the proportions or whathaveyou - but it's the style that has captivated me. If I were a comic artist this would be the style I would draw in for sure. The line work is fresh and the colours are not your usual black/gloomy Marvel palette.

It's got a cute, twisted story that I think appeals mostly to girls. It's about a young gravedigger who is secretly a zombie. She acts normally, but if she doesn't eat a brain every month she will turn into the typical shambling, undead predator. Her friends consist of a ditzy blonde ghost and a ware-terrier. Overall I was pleased how the story was going, but as Kiwi pointed out (being a writer) it didn't exactly have a conflict. Because this is an ongoing series I figure the plot will thicken when more books release, but for now I will have to wait.


Transmetropolitan: Lonely City (Trade)
Written by: Warren Ellis
Art by: Darick Robertson

When Kiwi and I were still friends, Kiwi learned of my graduation from college and shipped me the first Transmetropolitan trade paperback as a gift. He even wrote me an inscription inside the front cover. Since Kiwi has come to Canada I have acquired a great deal more Transmet books. I am now up to the 5th trade paperback and am completely enthralled. I would not normally pick up a book like this because of the tight detailed, disgusting, older slightly 80's flair artwork. But since Kiwi is interested in writing and stories he knew instantly that I would love Spider Jerusalem and his crazy, hateful antics. And I do. Spider is a journalist in a futuristic, out of this world city, and he shares his cynical outlook on life and humanity as a whole. The outrageous portrayal of the future alone is enough to be hooked on this series. I would throw in a "don't judge a book by it's cover" cliche here but I fear a giant hook might creep out from behind a curtain to tug me off before someone throws tomatoes.

So for now, I'll leave it at that!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Battle Continues...

So it has been a week since my battle with weight began. Also a week since we have last posted a blog! Our apologies. I'm afraid we haven't been that interesting as of late, especially me! My craft projects have come to a halt as I spiraled into my little pit of despair over my weight.

On a lighter note, I have been watching what I eat this last week. I've cut down on my pop ('fizzy-drink' Kiwi calls it) which I think is a huge factor in my weight gain. Since leaving my job at Summit Tools, I have been sitting at my computer drinking pop instead of water like I did at Summit. I remained a good weight while I was working at Summit Tools, even though I did exactly what I do now - sat at a desk on a computer. However, I wasn't eating as much, or if I was I had packed good snacks like cucumbers and carrots. Also goldfish. Those were probably dangerous, so I have since stopped buying them. I had one pop at work with lunch, but the rest of the time I had a large water bottle (which Kiwi now takes to work) and was always refilling it.

I have not done as much physical activity as I would have liked, but I will try and blame that one on the weather. Kiwi showed me some proper crunches, I learned about simple beginner exercises I can do at home on youtube, and I did a bit of hula-hooping.

Since I started I have weighed myself almost every day. Kiwi keeps assuring me that it will take time and effort to see changes, but as of today and yesterday I have lost 2 lbs (0.9 kg). My weight has fluctuated over this last week from 132-130. But the last two days it has remained at 130.

It's encouraging, even those two little pounds. But I know I am on the right track.

Kiwi and I went to White Rock on the weekend and walked along the water for a total of 2km. Mind you, we were actually looking for a restaurant and had to walk both ways anyway - but it was still nice to get some exercise on such a gorgeous day. Here are some pictures from the beach!
