Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Kiwi draws on Post-it Notes.

All the time.

He has written me notes, drawn me pictures, put them on my computer, in my lunch, brought them home from work... He has a little collection built up now. I think they're fantastic. I scanned them all today, as I was packing to move.

{Kiwi and I move into our new place on Friday! I will write another post about that later}

Here is one of the Post-it drawings:

Notice the weathervane

I think I will post one every Tuesday :)


Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Friends: Peonies

Another heavy, pounding downpour somehow got my creative juices flowing again. As I opened the back door to clapping rain, I thought of a blog I had read this morning on Design Sponge about Peonies. I remembered seeing some pink blooms in the garden the other day (being strangled by weeds and invaded by ants) and thought they might be open by now.

One peony had a huge, brilliant pink bloom, while other buds were just opening. I brought out my scissors and snipped three, along with some other white flowers and a few sprigs from a blue blossoming tree. Arranging them simply in a mason jar (from pasta I had made a week earlier) I pulled out a funky, pink side table I had painted myself and threw one of my scarves on it. A few other nick-knacks and my faithful tea light candle, and the light was perfect. Here's how they turned out!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Strawberry's Comics

Another edition of the comics I have been reading lately.

I have finished Transmetropolitan #1-8 and am currently waiting for #9 to be delivered to Taz so I can finish the series. I can't wait to see how it will end. Considering the other issues' bold, expletive content the final issue is bound to be quite epic.

Here is what I've picked up in the meantime:

Darkwing Duck (Series Ongoing)
Written by: Ian Brill
Art by: James Silvani

My childhood hero is back, in comic form. Originally released as a 4 issue mini series in December, the public instantly demanded more. So Darkwing and I now get dangerous once a month in an ongoing series. I recently picked up the latest issue you see above. Of COURSE I had to get Cover B which features Morgana and Dark, the adorably height restricted couple. The comics are a fun, funny continuation of Darkwing's universe where the show left off. The story is riddled with recent pop culture references, the artwork is cleaner than the TV show animation, and the characters speak and act as though they hadn't been gone for 14 years. When reading the dialogue, I often hear Jim Cummings in my head, as though he was reading it to me like a bedtime story.

Punisher MAX Vol. 1: In the Beginning (TPB)
Written by: Garth Ennis
Art by: Lewis Larosa

Kiwi bought this one for me and brought it to me from New Zealand. He really wanted me to read it, as Punisher is his favourite comic character (as well as Preacher) and Garth Ennis is his favourite writer. I guess they go hand in hand for that reason. I have just started this trade and so far am impressed with how it came right out and kicked my ass with violence, swearing, and a reference to a large dick. The explicit content warning should not be ignored. The artwork is lovely, focusing on dark full face shadows, thin lines with sketched details in skin and face modeling, as well as great muted colour work. The whole book has an emotion that comes through in full with the writing, artwork and colours. I can't wait to finish this book.

Rocketeer Adventures #1 of 4 (Mini Series)
Written by: John Cassaday, Kurt Busiek, Mike Allred
Artists: Jim Silke, John Cassaday, Michael Wm. Kaluta, Mike Allred, Mike Mignola
Cover Art by: Alex Ross, Dave Stevens

I love the Rocketeer. I saw the movie in theatres with my dad, and have always had fond memories of it. Seeing it again when I was older sparked my interest to find all the old issues of the Rocketeer comic books (which I had found out featured Bettie Page as the key model for Cliff's girlfriend, Betty.) Lucky for me, not a few short years later the full Rocketeer comic collection by Dave Stevens was compiled into a new hard cover trade for me to enjoy. I guess the trade was a big hit. Some of the best comic artists and writers have come together to keep Stevens' story alive. Mini stories and pinups capture Cliff and Betty's adventures perfectly, each with the artists' own style. I am happy that the Rocketeer can live on through other creators that pay so much respect to the original series by Stevens.

More to read next week when Kiwi and I go to the comic store on the weekend :)


Monday, June 13, 2011

Still-Life Photographs

I turned off my music this morning to hear some heavy rain pattering outside on the rocks. I tucked my pants into my shoes and walked outside to inspect the unwanted Summer rain. Upon further investigation, I noticed the gardeners who had been here a few days ago had disposed of one of my tiny plants. It was an adorable pink and green leafy plant that I had bought as a little leafy sprout. It had grown a great deal since the time I acquired it, so I was a little disappointed to see it missing. They also broke a jar and got rid of all the luxurious moss growing on the rocks outside our door. The moss I had carefully peeled a heart out of. I hope to grab a few remaining specimens before we move so I can start a few moss terrariums for our new home.

While outside I gazed warmly on my big golden peacock chair. Spraypainted gold, a few wicker flourishes broken or missing, but still an amazing piece. I had bought it at a set-dec sale a few years ago. I got a little inspired.

I quickly grabbed some flowers I had cut from the garden (all of which had been weed-whacked later the same day by the gardeners), a tea light, and my teapot and brought them outside.

I got some nice light. I love taking pretty, simple photos like these. They're nice to look at and I get to create something :)

I hope you enjoy them!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Future All Black

I've never been much for sport, playing or watching. Especially playing. Somewhere in my parents house, in one of several suitcases filled with photos from the last few decades, there is a picture of yours truly at the tender age of 4-5, wearing a t-shirt declaring that I am a "Future All Black." Looking at me now, some 20+ years later, that particular Kodak moment serves a comical irony. No, being on New Zealand's number one rugby team was never to be. Don't get me wrong, I played outside and climbed trees, but eventually it was video games, movies and comic books that piqued my interest.

In fact, growing up in such a sports mad country, it was easy to not only lack any interest, but also resent sports as a whole. I resented being forced to play at school, I resented the evening news spending equal amounts of time on sport as it did world events, and I really resented that any time a cricket game was on they'd interrupt my afternoon cartoons for it. My widely advertised dislike even made it to TV by way of text message, where on an episode of 'Flipside' (a long since cancelled news/entertainment show aimed at kids and teenagers) every message that scrolled along the bottom of the screen hailed the All Blacks as heroes. In my anti-sport bitterness I made the point that a hero is someone who saves a life, does something courageous, not trollies about with a ball.

Bad enough then, there was no getting away from it on my beloved TV, or that every other kid seemed intent on running with a ball too, but they wanted me to play. Good lord, I could scarcely have thought of a worse way to spend my time. It wasn't so much the physical exertion that bothered me, although that certainly didn't help sell it, but the rules, competition and inherent seriousness that came with it all. Running around at home, climbing trees, playing catch with my Dad, those will forever be some of my fondest memories, but that loathsome sense of order and competitiveness that went hand in hand with any organized sport irked me. Why take it so damn seriously, I wondered, "it's just a game".

If you read the blog regularly, you'll know that in late 2010 I moved from my home in New Zealand to be with my girl Strawberry, all the way to Canada. The move had a lot of benefits big and small, one of the smaller benefits being I had narrowly avoided the Rugby World Cup by a few short months. The 2011 Rugby World Cup would be hosted right in the heart of my home town and I couldn't imagine a worse time to be an anti-fan. Yes, Canada, my wonderful sportless paradise at the top of the world...except for all the hockey.

For Strawberry's benefit, I'd give hockey a shot. It took some time, but hockey slowly became less than not completely uninteresting. It's fast paced, which instantly made it better than a lot of other sports, the players fight a lot and people often fall down, brownie points in my book. As I began to learn the rules it became more interesting to watch, if only because I could tell what was going on (in both the game and the conversations at work). After a good few games I even found myself clapping enthusiastically when the team scored. Still, I couldn't quite forget the things I didn't like.

I wanted to be excited, to cheer and leap off my seat, but the closer I got to it, the more I knew, the more things I found to dislike. The hypocrisy, the anger, the conditional loyalty, none of which are unique to just hockey. With so much negativity surrounding sport, at least in an admittedly (perhaps overly) cynical view I couldn't see the point of investing myself. I couldn't see why anyone would give so much emotion, so much money, so much time, so much of their life, to something so pointless.

With somewhere in the range of twenty years worth of contempt for sport, an epiphany was short coming. Then I remembered those days throwing a tennis ball back and forth with my Dad. There were no rules, no trophies, no fans, why bother? Heck, you couldn't even win at playing catch, and if it's not about winning, what the heck could sport be about? Oddly enough, I already learned this lesson back when I was sporting the Future All Black t-shirt. It's about a common goal...so to speak.

Human beings are social creatures, and we love a good cause to rally behind. As much as we hate our enemies, we love to love the person standing next to us and cheering with just as much gusto to see our enemies defeated. Knowing one person shares your hope strengthens your own, and seeing several thousand others makes you part of something bigger. Like anything, sport is not without it's problems, and on it's surface the people running around hitting each other are still doing nothing more than playing a game. Or just doing exactly what it is they're paid to do. Sport is also about strangers high-fiving each other in the street, about families roaring excitedly at the TV, about heated and enthusiastic discussion, about gathering with friends. About playing catch with your Dad.

I'm not sure if I'll ever go so far as to be a full blown fan, or ever lose all my cynicism, but I think I've figured out what sports fans already knew. At the heart of it, the point isn't to get the ball in the net or see who can scream louder at the TV, or even about ruining my afternoon cartoons. The point is bringing people together. And that's pretty darn special.